Friends of the CREEK

Thank you to the following businesses for your support:

    A Stuart-based creative studio specializing in brand design, photography, post-production photo editing, and illustration.

  • MartinArts
    MartinArts mission is to inspire participation and passion for the arts in our community. MartinArts has served our community since 1980 and as the local arts agency since 1986. With roots in our community, we strive to support the arts sector through advocacy, promotion, research, community planning and programming. Our focus on arts education is core to who we are as we know that through those efforts, we are working to secure an audience for generations in the future. We are house in a county-owned historic building (formerly the county's first courthouse) the Court House Cultural Center (CHCC). Located in historic downtown Stuart, this venue allows us to serve as a hub of cultural experiences for residents and visitors.
    80 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart
    772-287-6676 |

  • Stuart Main Street
    A 501c3 nonprofit organization with a mission to create and promote a positive downtown experience for residents, businesses and visitors. Embracing the future while preserving the past.
    201 SW Fla­gler Ave., Stu­art
    772-286-2848 |

  • Visionary School of Arts
    The Visionary School of Arts is place of learning, expansion, and launching for artists of all levels. Everyone can be a visionary! Taught by qualified professional artists with many years of experience, our classes take students step by step from drawing on the right side of the brain to exploring an amazing array of mediums with a spirit of excellence. Working from life, photos, on site, and imagination, our teachers take students on a journey of creativity that will be with them for a lifetime! Our students are winning local, national and international awards. Classes are offered by the semester with occasional all day workshops in specific mediums. Our goal is to teach, raise up and launch those that will usher in a new renaissance in the arts! We not only teach art, we produce shows and help students enter competitions as they grow, introducing them to the community and beyond. Our vision is to continue the development of our school as well as open a center for the arts through our non-profit foundation, which expands to an artist community and convergence of arts with global impact.
    1724 SE Indian St., Stuart
    772-283-4888 |


Become a Friend of the CREEK!

Local businesses outside of the district can be added to our Friends of the CREEK directory by donating monetarily or by gifting services and/or resources. To inquire about ways you can help, please contact us below.